'Jésus leur dit: N’avez-vous jamais lu dans les Écritures: La pierre qu’ont rejetée ceux qui bâtissaient Est devenue la principale de l’angle; C’est du Seigneur que cela est venu, Et c’est un prodige à nos yeux? C’est pourquoi, je vous le dis, le royaume de Dieu vous sera enlevé, et sera donné à une nation qui en rendra les fruits. Celui qui tombera sur cette pierre s’y brisera, et celui sur qui elle tombera sera écrasé. '

Matthieu 21:42-44

'Il a mis sa confiance en Dieu et a déclaré : “Je suis le Fils de Dieu.” Eh bien, si Dieu l'aime, qu'il le sauve maintenant ! » '

Matthieu 27:43

A common dictionary suggests that an "objective" is "a thing aimed at or sought; a goal." On the other hand, "intention" has this definition (bold for emphasis on the second definition): "a thing intended; an aim or plan."

Goals are focused on the future. Intentions are in the present moment. Goals are a destination or specific achievement. Intentions are lived each day, independent of achieving the goal or destination.

A blind spot is an area in your range of vision that you cannot see properly but which you really should be able to see. For example, when you are driving a car, the area just behind your shoulders is often a blind spot.

Subject about which one is ignorant or biased. For example, The boss has a blind spot about Henry; he wouldn't fire him for anything , or Dad has a blind spot about opera; he can't see anything good about it . This term uses blind in the sense of “covered or hidden from sight.”

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